Monday, January 25, 2010

Hearing the emotion of the Saints fans gives you just a bit of an idea of what it might be like when the Texans eventually make it. A regular caller, Casey, phoned in from Louisiana and painted a picture of the whole family pretty much staying up all night. No one could sleep because of the joy. A city that has suffered as much as New Orleans deserves a moment like this.

Another caller defined Brett Favre as "part John Wayne, part John Daly." An apt description for a man who was putting together one of the great quarterbacking performances ever only to throw it away at the end. This was like writing the great American novel on your laptop then hitting the delete button.

Favre had a chance to get into a lot of people's 'top 5 all-time' with a Super Bowl win. Now, he's on hold again until next year's 'comeback.' I've never been a card-carrying Favre fan. And the off season comeback-or-not drama turns me off. But I totally understood Minnesota wanting him and it was a pleasure watching him play in the NFC Championship game. The bone head throw at the end of regulation was part of the package. He succeeds or fails spectacularly and that makes for great entertainment.

On a lighter note: Venus claims she was wearing flesh colored underwear at the Aussie open.
You decide...

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