Monday, June 29, 2009


"Say it ain't so." A kid once said that to Shoeless Joe and I'm saying it to Yao's foot. I know that nothing is final. Yet. But when you heard the news that Yao might miss a year didn't you just have this feeling that the Yao era in Houston could be over? I hate to be pessimistic. Me, being the Norman Vincent Peale of Houston sports. But, Yao's big feet are not cooperating the way his heart and mind would like. Let's hope whatever they decided to do works and we again get to see performances like the 28 point night in L.A. to go up on the Lakers.

Jose Valverde's meltdown Sunday reminded me that closers are kind of like field goal kickers. I'm not saying getting out of one inning is like an extra point chip shot. But how about a 35 to 40 yard boot to win a game. The team does all this work to get into position to win then one guy basically blows it. Valverde went through a little funk earlier this year and snapped out of it. With the Astros getting good starting pitching lately the last thing you want to see is bullpen failure...especially with the team having trouble pushing runs across.

I was neck deep in Team USA tension with them leading Brazil 2-0 at the break. Facebook was blowing up with reaction. I was getting texts from everywhere. Yet there were also friends and acquaintances who didn't even realize it was on. Weird. I am not a huge Soccer fan but with our boys about to knock off the Yankees/Lakers of the sports I was into it. It was strange feeling sports anxiety like that this time of year.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We had Brad Sham (voice of the Cowboys) on the air Tuesday and he talked a great deal about the terrible accident at their practice facility. So many lives were affected it's hard to believe it's not going to somehow impact their season in some way. He made a good point that the national media swooping in and out of Valley Ranch will consistently ask players for perspective on the accident relative to whatever success or failure the team gets.

He also said that 9-7 seems like a reasonable call as far as record goes considering the schedule. And that they are a better team with T.O. playing in western New York.

I keep looking at the Texans schedule with the most optimism I've had heading into a season (and that's saying something). But the finish at Miami and home to New England is brutal. There's a thought that the Pats might not 'need' the game. Or if the game is for a playoff spot the Texans can and will beat anyone in the world on their field. You'd just hate to see a Christmas weekend road game at Miami screw things up.

Houston is third in the league in home wins in the last two years behind Pittsburgh and New England. The Pats and Steelers represented the AFC in the last two Super Bowls as you may recall.

How great was it to have the U.S. Open settled during business hours? Maybe not so much if you couldn't escape to check it out but it gives things an NCAA Tournament feel to watch a major sporting event with your co-workers.

Anyone who thinks Phil choked probably doesn't golf much or even watch that much golf for that matter. Yes, he lacks Tiger's closing ability but finishing second five times is amazing because you have to be good enough to even be that close. Jack Nicklaus won a record 18 majors but finished second 19 times. Phil has to win at least one U.S. Open, right?

The late Dick Harmon's pupil (Lucas Glover) won the event making Sports Radio 610 Golf Hour hosts two for two in majors this year. A story was told at Dick's funeral about him watching Tiger blow away the field at an Open and calling his brothers saying "can you imagine how proud Dad would be of Butch right now." Well, can you imagine the Harmon brothers' reaction to seeing Glover's victory?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rex Grossman a Texan? I knew some coaches at Florida who told me then what a great leader he was. Obviously his numbers don't look so hot over time. Low completion percentage, high picks. But he did take a team to the Super Bowl. He'll be well coached here with a lot of talent around him and a proven system. He'll give the Texans a third QB who has played in the league.

I said on the air that Quinn Gray was invited to fill this role last year but came up short. Ask yourself this: Are they a better or worse football team after this signing? This is low cost insurance. If Schaub goes down you're one snap away from Alex Brink. Now, whether you like Orlovsky better than Grossman is a whole other question. But that question never came up with Brink. That alone makes them a better team today.


The Godfather's Guide to Business and Life Success

Not to glamorize organized crime but there is a ton of useful info in the first two film such as...

"It's not personal, it's business." - Michael Corleone. Separating the two is always important.

"The most important thing in life is health, more important than money...and power" - Hiram Roth knows this because he was dying and all the cash in the world could not make him better.

"Never tell anyone outside of the family (organization) what you're thinking" -Vito Corleone.
Keep strategy to yourself.

"This is the business we've chosen." Hiram Roth. This comes in real handy when I have to explain to the wife why we're not leaving town for Christmas or Thanksgiving. Whatever business you're in requires sacrifices unique to that line of work. It's important to regain perspective every once in while.

There are many more in the films. And don't even get me started on Goodfellas.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sitting here watching Tiger making a run at Memorial got me thinking about Kobe, Lebron and the greatest athletes at their particular sports. Being team sport athletes, Kobe and Lebron are going to have their share of critics because they might not belong to 'you.' But surely you have a feel on how much you may like or dislike these guys.

Kobe's court drama aside, he is one of the greatest players I have ever seen on a hardwood floor. No, he's not Jordan. You may scream and shout about how me might be a better athlete or you may start splitting hairs on drives and dishes. Please. If I could beam you back to the context of a Jordan finals game you would say "oh yeah, I forgot."

And I'm not even a huge Jordan 'fan.' I will concede he's the best ever but I still love Magic the most. He was such a great leader, passer and winner. So was Bird but Magic beat him 5 to 3 in NBA titles (plus the college ring). This is very subjective territory anyway. You may love Clapton more than Hendrix. They're both great. You may love Pele as the greatest all time athlete on the planet. Ali would get many votes too. We really can't measure. Clearly, Tiger belongs in the group.


I was asked recently why I play pick up hoops and hate working out at the gym or running on the mill. It's fun to actually look forward to getting exercise. I think it's very healthy as adults to actually play games and get a work out doing it. We went to gym class as kids and enjoyed it. But wasn't so much of it a weeding out process to find the best athletes for varsity? I was captain of the sailboat racing team so I was never BMOC in sports. But I play now more than ever. It keeps me healthy and sane.